BIOMAP Work Package and Task Force Leaders unite in Frankfurt
Last week, on 20th and 21st April 2023, the BIOMAP Work Package and Task Force Leaders met for a hybrid meeting in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, to discuss on the current status of the BIOMAP Work Packages and Task Forces and to conclude and initiate significant next steps in the BIOMAP harvest phase.
The overarching goal of the first day was to get on the same page concerning the progress in the BIOMAP Work Packages as well as the Task Forces. These translational groups focus on key outputs in terms of biomarkers / molecular signatures for disease severity, comorbidities, trajectories and endotypes in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. The day was finished off by a joint dinner in a cosy, traditional Hessian restaurant, where the team could indulge in the traditional Hessian cuisine.
The second meeting day was focused on discussions about what is needed to get these key outputs ready for publication in the course of 2023. The highly productive round table discussions resulted in a clear outline of main outcomes, gaps to be addressed, responsibilities and timelines for each of the BIOMAP Task Forces as well as means of result sharing and consolidation via disease maps.
In addition, specific next steps on administrative project management level and on sustainability were discussed and agreed.
The meeting, which was kindly hosted by Sanofi, marks an important checkpoint in the consortium-wide quest to publish major contributions for precision medicine approaches in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.