BIOMAP Work Package and Task Force Leaders meet in Frankfurt
On 1st February 2023, the BIOMAP Work Package and Task Force Leaders met in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, for the first Executive Project Management Team (EPMT) Meeting of the year. The hybrid meeting was hosted by Sanofi on the company’s premises.
Objectives of the meeting were to update each other on the progress made since the Annual Meeting in October and to define clear goals for the cross-consortium outputs in 2023. The morning of the meeting was dedicated to the BIOMAP Work Packages. The Work Package Leader Teams gave concise updates on major results, critical issues and the status of tasks and deliverables. The afternoon sessions then focussed on the BIOMAP Task Forces, specific cross-consortium and topic-focussed research groups, which were kicked-off at the Annual Meeting. The Task Force Leaders gave an update on their progress and key results, addressed gaps and asks and presented a concept and timeline for key outputs in 2023. The meeting allowed space for constructive and inspiring discussions and most importantly defined clear objectives for 2023.
Thanks a lot to all in-person and virtual participants and to Sanofi for hosting the meeting.